Running from the Rio Olympics? …. you better run, run away!

The World Health Organization has just rejected a call by some 150 medical practitioners to move or postpone this year’s Rio Olympic games because of the Zika virus. So then, we shouldn’t be having this discussion since the W.H.O is supposed to have our backs right? Yeeeeah, but am not so sure this time around.

There is a memorandum of understanding of some sort between the W.H.O and the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C), some even say it is a partnership. Whatever it is, ‘that thing’ seems to be clouding the judgement of the leaders of our beloved W.H.O

“The supreme quality of leadership is integrity”. –Dwight Eisenhower

What is Zika Virus and why all the fuss?

Zika virus is a mosquito-borne infection. The outbreak started in Brazil about a year ago and has spread rapidly to over 60 countries as of today. The symptoms of Zika infection are mild however if infected, pregnant women may deliver babies with very small heads, mental retardation, problems with their brains and even death.

Make no mistake, the Zika epidemic is a serious one and the peak is yet to come. The W.H.O said this week that postponing or moving the Rio Olympics would not stop the sequence of events in terms of the spreading of the virus. They argue that the Virus will reach every continent sooner or later anyway.

“An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep”. ~ Ghanaian proverb

They do not deny though that hosting the Olympics in Rio at this time would accelerate the rate at which the virus would spread. It is therefore ethically irresponsible for an organization like the W.H.O to bring people from countries with or without the Zika virus to come and get infected in their thousands and then take it back to their home countries on the basis of ‘they will all get it later anyway’.

The Zika virus epidemic is a serious problem. It is said that between February and April 2016, about 91,387 cases of the Zika virus infection were registered in Brazil. The figure for babies born with Zika related defects stood at 4,908 in April according to the Brazilian Health Ministry.

There is no doubt Brazil is struggling to cope with the epidemic. They do not have strong health systems in place. An example of this is the ineffective Zika mosquito-eradication program that has failed to achieve its objectives.

So, if Brazil a member of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, SA), is struggling to manage the Zika Virus what will happen when Zika gets to Afghanistan or Somalia. The least we can do is buy some time so that other countries can plan and prepare for the eventuality of the spread.

If we can delay the progress of the infection, why not do that?

The relationship between the W.H.O and I.O.C should also be more transparent. Humans are not disposable objects on the altar of ego and money!

The floodwater does not hesitate to sweep away a house, it is the responsibility of the owner to prevent the floodwater from doing so (means take action, don’t sit idly)- Yoruba Proverb.

You can play your part too, let your voice be heard, do all you can to not go to Rio!




Published by

Dr. Deji Daramola

Dr. Deji Daramola is a Canadian based Family Physician with training and expertise in Family Medicine. He also has an MBA and a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership.

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