As this ever happened to you before, you draw up a list of items to buy at a store and you match it with a budget but after all is done, you realize that you have bought several things, not on your list and have overspent your budget? You blame yourself. Truth be told, it isn’t all your fault! Continue reading The Stores Are Messing With Your Mind When You Shop!
Psychopaths Rule the World, Your Boss is Probably one.
Do you have a boss or know a country leader or political aspirant who repeatedly shows disregard for and violate the rights of others? Does he/she have an inflated and arrogant self-appeal. Relationship difficulties as evidenced by multiple divorces? A failure to honor promises? These guys lack remorse when they hurt others. They usually just find excuses for treating others badly. In short they lack a conscience. Continue reading Psychopaths Rule the World, Your Boss is Probably one.
Dealing with menstrual period pains!
Do you know that painful period pain is the foremost reason for short-term school absence in adolescent girls? It also accounts for about 34%-50% of absenteeism at work/school according to some studies. In economic terms, this is equal to about 600 million lost work hours or USD 2 billion worth of lost productivity. Continue reading Dealing with menstrual period pains!
Does the G-spot Exist?
In 1881 if you had a poor sexual desire, stress and a couple of other symptoms you would have been diagnosed with Female Hysteria that was treated with the rubbing/stimulation of the G-spot. Female hysteria was a medical diagnosis for hundreds of years until the beginning of the 20th century.
Social Media Depression- That is the new Craze!
Social media is increasingly becoming a significant cause of anxiety, depression and stress. App groups (from Kindergarten all the way to College), Facebook, Instagram etc. We now have to carry the burden of friendships from kindergarten up till now. No generation before us has been saddled with so much weight. Continue reading Social Media Depression- That is the new Craze!
Taking Care of the Female Genital Area.
A friend remarked after his wife complained about repeated vaginal discharge that “his wife had washed away all the good in her vagina” by frequently washing that area. He was damn callous that friend of mine, but he was damn right too! Continue reading Taking Care of the Female Genital Area.
Are YOU on a DIET? Sorry, it won’t work!
Our ancestors about 50,000 years ago belonged to the hunter – gatherer society. The so-called Paleolithic era. Many of them died but some survived. Those that survived did so because they had genes that had evolved to be able to store food when there was food, the stored food is then used when there was no food. That was a great advantage then. These genes today are a disadvantage. Understanding how these genes work is the key to losing weight and staying healthy. Continue reading Are YOU on a DIET? Sorry, it won’t work!
Running from the Rio Olympics? …. you better run, run away!
The World Health Organization has just rejected a call by some 150 medical practitioners to move or postpone this year’s Rio Olympic games because of the Zika virus. So then, we shouldn’t be having this discussion since the W.H.O is supposed to have our backs right? Yeeeeah, but am not so sure this time around. Continue reading Running from the Rio Olympics? …. you better run, run away!
Why Liberia’s West Point Ebola Clinic was invaded in 2014?
Did you ever ask why armed men attacked the Liberia Ebola Clinic in 2014 and chased away 29 infected patients ? Continue reading Why Liberia’s West Point Ebola Clinic was invaded in 2014?
Heeelp!!! We are all going to die!!!!!!!!
Humans, like never before are now at risk of massive deaths, the likes of a World War! TB, Pneumonia, Typhoid, Cholera are going to start killing us again in large numbers like they did before 1929. It sounds unreal, right? Better believe it, Continue reading Heeelp!!! We are all going to die!!!!!!!!