Four Headaches That Can Kill You!

image source ppms

We all get headaches from time to time, no big deal, but all headaches are not the same. Some are considered primary or ‘usual’ while some are very dangerous. These type of  headaches  point to something sinister and therefore cannot be ignored, they are ominous. Let’s discuss four of these.

  1. Headaches that wake you up from sleep.Treatment

This type of headache is worse in the morning and improves as the day progresses. This headache is also made worse by coughing or straining. It is not relieved by pain medication but is relieved by vomiting.

This might be a sign of a raised intracranial pressure and can be indicative of a brain tumor. So, see a doctor immediately!

  1. pillsHeadaches that are ‘the worst headaches of your life’.

Typically, in an adult, this type of headache might be indicative of a bleed into the brain from a ruptured brain vessel, the so-called subarachnoid hemorrhage.

This could be lethal and quickly too and would need the intervention of neurosurgeons and other specialists. Time is muscle here!

  1. Headaches that start suddenly and is associated with neurological symptoms.migraine

This type of headache might be suggestive of a stroke and with it might be neurological symptoms like weakness in the limbs, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, difficulty walking and loss of balance.

This is a medical emergency and time is of the essence!

  1. image courtesy ephtracking
    image courtesy ephtracking

    Headaches associated with fever and neck stiffness

This type of headache is suggestive of meningitis. There might be rash but there might not be rash depending on the causative organism. The patient is usually very ill but this depends on the age and stage of illness.

It is a medical emergency and might also be a public health concern depending on the causative organism. All contacts- family, health staff and school contacts might need to be traced, isolated and treated. It can be devastating if not timely contained!



Published by

Dr. Deji Daramola

Dr. Deji Daramola is a Canadian based Family Physician with training and expertise in Family Medicine. He also has an MBA and a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership.