A, B, Cs of Strategic Leadership

A. The standard operating procedures of your organization need to change constantly to respond to challenges and external factors.


B. You need to encourage collaboration within staff and with external stakeholders.


C. Cultural agility is the new word. Embrace diversity and equity, encourage

participation, build a horizontal organizational structure, encourage participation by all cadres of staff.


D. There are different types of leader and different leadership styles, however, a leader must be flexible, able to assess a situation and adapt according to that situation.


E. The character of organizations has changed over the years and still changing. The trend globally is for businesses to shrink from large organizations with clumpy work processes to smaller organizations with strong inter-personnel work relationships and faster work processes cutting right through red tapes that are usually seen in big corporations.


F. When organizations grow too big, care must be taken to prevent rivalry and conflict between departmental units and staff alike. The trend in large corporations is to cut out smaller, semi-autonomous separate divisions or even companies in order to ensure more efficient and effective management of staff and other resources.


G. As a strategic leader, you must be willing to look for and embrace change and build a culture of self-development at your organization.

Published by

Dr. Deji Daramola

Dr. Deji Daramola is a Canadian based Family Physician with training and expertise in Family Medicine. He also has an MBA and a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership. www.drdarams.com