Medical Tests Men Must Have

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I had a chat with a friend recently who told me that life insurance costs more for men than women. This is so, he argued because ‘men tend to die earlier than women’. I gave it a long thought and said ‘sure’.

These are some tests/procedures that men (not limited to men in some cases) should have that would aid longevity.

Diabetes Type 1 Screening– This is the early onset diabetes due to insulin secretion deficiency +/- resistance to insulin. Peak onset is between ages 5-7 and 10-14. It runs in families and it may also be triggered is usually triggered by some assault like a viral infection.

Diabetes Type 2 Screening- This used to be called adult-onset diabetes but not anymore as many young people are now diagnosed partly because of obesity, physical inactivity, and high alcohol consumption. It also runs in the family and forms 90% of all cases of diabetes.

Blood Pressure- This is a range and it varies with age however as a guide if the top number is greater than 140 or the bottom number is greater than 90 when you check your BP, you should see a doctor.


You need to discuss your baby’s recommended specific immunizations with your doctor to make sure your child is up to date.

Boys between ages 9-23 are now advised to get Gardasil vaccine to prevent Human Papillomavirus infection.

You should get a flu shot every year.

You ought to get a Tetanus-Diphteria booster every 10 years too.

If you are over 60 years, you may want to get a shingles vaccine.

If you are over 65 years or are immunocompromised, you should get a pneumococcal vaccine if you have not had one before, or if it is more than 5 years since you last had the vaccine.

Colon Cancer screening- Everyone over the age of 50 should be screened. Initial screening is a FIT test where your stool sample is checked for traces of blood. If positive, you would be required to go for a colonoscopy. Under age 50 you may need to do the FIT test every 2-3 years if you had a family member with a history of colon cancer or polyps.

Cholesterol screening- Men over the age of 30 should get their cholesterol level checked every year. If you have diabetes you might want to start screening after age 20.  High cholesterol level is a precursor to ‘heart attack’ and sudden death.

Osteoporosis Screening- This is done after age 65. Osteoporosis is age-related loss of bone density and the reason for easy fractures in the elderly. People with signs of osteoporosis can be placed on preventative therapy.

Prostate Cancer Screening- I recommend screening men age 50-70 every year using digital rectal examination and blood PSA level.

Dental and Eye Exams- You should see the dentist and an optometrist every two years to check for teeth and eyes as part of preventative medicine.

Medical Circumcision- Not compulsory but will reduce the risk of cancer of the penis, balanitis or transmission of HIV when sexually active.

Physical exams- Make it a habit every year (perhaps on your birthday) to see your doctor where you should discuss the things highlighted earlier with him/her. Your doctor should also perform a physical check-up of all major systems and chat with you about depression, anxiety, stress, diet, alcohol, smoking, illicit drug use and lifestyle.

Published by

Dr. Deji Daramola

Dr. Deji Daramola is a Canadian based Family Physician with training and expertise in Family Medicine. He also has an MBA and a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership.

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