I know it feels like cloud nine when you fall in love but truth be told, you are just a victim of your bodies biochemistry. When you are attracted to someone, it is because subconsciously you like their genes. You could smell it. It really isn’t us doing the choosing but a mixture of hormones in our body drawing us to people that are genetically suited to produce offspring with us. It is our subconscious that rule when it comes to finding a partner. Continue reading The Science behind Falling in Love and Staying in Love.
Month: June 2016
Look at that Penis before Sex, this may Prevent You from Getting Cancer of the Cervix
There was an African village chief who had 3 wives. He loved his wives very much. One day, many years ago, I went on a medical mission to his village and after the medical mission, I paid him a courtesy visit. He requested a full medical examination. I found nothing abnormal except a fleshy growth around the tip of his penis. I told him he had genital warts and that he would be putting his four wives at risk of cancer of the cervix if he did not remove it. He said the penile wart didn’t bother him neither did it bother his wives. The wives agreed. Continue reading Look at that Penis before Sex, this may Prevent You from Getting Cancer of the Cervix
Those that the mosquito loves to bite.
Do you believe you get an unfair amount of attention from mosquitoes compared to others? Do you get more mosquito bites than others? You might want to take this ride with me as we consider a combination of environmental factors as well as your genetic make-up that might have made you a mosquito magnet. Continue reading Those that the mosquito loves to bite.
Why your hair is turning grey or white.
You think it is because of stress? Look at president Obama for example, at the start of his presidency till now the change in his hair color has been dramatic! It must be stress, right? Well, think again. So what causes our hair to turn grey or white? Continue reading Why your hair is turning grey or white.
The Culture of Dry Sex in Southern Africa Must Stop!
Man meets lover. He says “I want to have sex with you right now”. She has no time to think about it. She takes position. Man forces his way in. She is dry and bruised. This is Dry Sex. Before you feel sad for any of the participants, keep in mind that this is an acceptable practice in southern Africa. Dry sex has its own flavor. A study done among black South Africans found that about 50% of women interviewed preferred dry sex to lubricated sex. More than 50% of men shared this view too. The study also showed that men who loved dry sex had partners who loved dry sex. Continue reading The Culture of Dry Sex in Southern Africa Must Stop!
The Sex Life of A Circumcised Woman. (Female Genital Mutilation)
The woman who is circumcised has not only been denied her human right, she has also been denied a lifetime of sexual pleasure. Female circumcision or female genital mutilation (FGM) almost always involves cutting of the clitoris. In the womb, the genital tubercle forms the clitoris in girls and the penis in boys. Both the clitoris and the penis expand to sexual stimuli. Both are wired with nerve cells that help us achieve orgasm during sex. Cutting off the clitoris in a girl is like cutting off the penis in a boy. Can you imagine life with part of or the whole penis cut off? Ouch! Continue reading The Sex Life of A Circumcised Woman. (Female Genital Mutilation)
The Power of a Good Follower. Let us forget about bad leaders for a moment!
Enough talk about bad leaders! Are You a good follower? Do you engage with your leader? Do you speak up, belong to a political party, demonstrate when needed, or vote? Bad followers remain quiet and your silence as a follower signals that you are either ignorant or too frightened to speak up. It is because you remain neutral or stay quiet that bad leaders remain in power. A good follower speaks out the first time he/she notices the leader’s misbehavior; he/she shouts from the rooftop before it becomes entrenched. Continue reading The Power of a Good Follower. Let us forget about bad leaders for a moment!
Living with the pain of witnessing a traumatic event- People with PTSD
A newly-wedded lady was having lunch with her husband when suddenly armed men broke into their house. They shot dead the husband and raped the woman. After the robbers left, the woman packed a few of her belongings and travelled 400km north to another city. Continue reading Living with the pain of witnessing a traumatic event- People with PTSD
Six causes of sudden death and what you can do to prevent it.
When people die suddenly, all I hear most times is ‘he died from a heart attack’. That phrase ‘heart attack’ has been used too many times that seriously, it doesn’t mean anything anymore. Yes, the heart has to die from an attack before a person is pronounced dead even if the cause of death was from diarrhea. Some of these ‘heart attacks’ are preventable. Let’s discuss some top 6 causes of sudden death and what you can do to prevent it. Continue reading Six causes of sudden death and what you can do to prevent it.
Do you know the story of Narcissus the Narcissist?
Narcissus was the son of the river god Cephissus. He was extremely good looking and had a lot of charm. He was popular. He was also very proud and had a reputation for only loving himself. He never gave love back to those who loved him. Nemesis the goddess of revenge heard about his escapades and decided to teach him a lesson. Continue reading Do you know the story of Narcissus the Narcissist?